parshat Shlach Lecha

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For Parshat Shlach Lecha>>
  • Don't Just Go Out Scrambling
    Many professions depend on ratings – politicians, businessmen, artists, and even rabbis – their livelihood is dependent upon the love of the public, and therefore they collect and "gather" votes, likes, sympathy from the media and applause.
  • Assembling Reminders
    You are driving ever so slightly above the speed limit. You see a police car in your rear-view mirror. You slow down. That is precisely the psychology behind the mitzvah of tzitzit in this week’s parsha.
  • הרב זקס (1).jpg
    Assembling Reminders
    You are driving ever so slightly above the speed limit. You see a police car in your rear-view mirror. You slow down. That is precisely the psychology behind the mitzvah of tzitzit in this week’s parsha.
  • Testing G-D
    Each test in turn failed to achieve anything other than harming that generation and dooming it to destruction, never to enter the land of Israel.
  • map-3578213_1920.jpg
    Who is your tour guide?
    Who is your tour guide? That makes all the how you deal with the Giant problem.
  • “Their Shadow has been Removed”
    Yehoshua and Kalev tried to convince Bnei Yisrael to follow their advice and not the wicked spies. They said “Their Shadow has been Removed”. What did they mean by this?
  • Who is your tour guide?
    Who is your tour guide? That makes all the how you deal with the Giant problem.
  • How Not to Desecrate Shabbos
    The story of the mekosheish, the man caught gathering wood on Shabbos, in Parshas Shelach, contains a host of conflicting and unusual midrashim. The story also serves as a springboard for many halachic and hashkafic issues.
  • For God's Sake Don't Go To Israel
    Clarifying the spies' argument for not entering the Land of Israel...and then clarifies why it's so important to enter the Land anyway.
  • Confidence
    One of the fundamental tasks of any leader, from president to parent, is to give people a sense of confidence: in themselves, in the group of which they are a part, and in the mission itself.
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